Day 3 Osaka shopping in Hanshin and Daimaru
Today is a great day. After breakfast we went to a shopping mall called Hanshin. There in Hanshin they have really good gifts. They have good watches, bags, shoes, handkerchief, food and some more good gifts. I havn’t really bought anything much from there, only I bought a really cute bear it is not an ordinary bear but it is a Bear Speaker. I bought a brown bear speaker you can hear your i pod songs it that speaker your i touch songs and also songs from your own phone it is WONDERFUL! So I bought it.
After that my mom and I and grandma and grandpa and my brother we all went to Daimaru. Daimaru is also a shopping mall it also has lots and lots of cute and cool things there. We looked around Daimaru and we went to this store that sells really cute and pretty dresses. I bought this grey shirt it looks very pretty so I bought it. Then my mom and I and also grandma went upstairs to the 14th floor to have lunch. We ate in this Japanese restaurant I don’t know what it is called but it is a really good restaurant. I ate Fried Chicken with steam rice and Miso Soup the food is really good and I love it. Then we all went down stairs to the first floor to go shopping again I saw a really cute furry hair tie. I bought two because it is really cute and furry I bought one grey and light brown color and the other one is really dark brown. Then we went upstairs and went window shopping and I saw really pretty shoes and really pretty bags. They sell really cute and pretty gifts in Daimaru I think you should go there if you go to Osaka Japan.
After shopping in Daimaru we went back to go shopping in Hanshin. We went upstairs and wanted to see what they sell there. We saw really pretty bags and really pretty shoes everything is so pretty there. Then we went downstairs we looked at the food and what they sell downstairs. When I went down stairs I bought jelly because I just love Japanese jelly so much. And my grandma and my mom bought some milk and some fruits for all of us in the hotel. Then we all went back to our hotel and when I reached the hotel I watched Batman The Dark Knight. I enjoyed that movie it was great. Then when it was dinnertime and we ate dinner in our room while watching Batman The Dark Knight. I ate Chicken Katsu with rice because I ordered it before and I loved it so much so I ordered it again.
After dinner I packed to get ready to go to Singapore and we might leave tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. And after that I got ready for bed and we talked together watched T.V together and joked around together.
Today is a great day it was really fun today shopping I hope you have a great day too.
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