Day 2 Osaka Universal Studios
25/12/ 09
Today was a terrific day! Do you know why? Because it is Christmas and we went to Universal Studios Japan! I enjoyed playing there. When we reached there we bought tickets and the first activity we saw was Shrek 4-D movie. It was really fun watching it I love it and it is the first 4-D movie I have watched in my whole life! I didn’t understand anything because it is in Japanese. I like it because you get sprayed with water when the donkey sneezes and the chairs move when the dragon flies or when Shrek and the Donkey rides the horse.
After we watched that, we all agreed to go to JAWS. JAWS was scary to ride but it was also fun to ride. When we got n the boat everything seems to be fine. But when you go to the middle of the lake something happens. There is a Great White Shark following the boat. And it swims next to the boat and opens it’s mouth and tries to eat you. And the person who drives the boat shoots the shark and we all are saved! After riding that boat we ate in this restaurant next to the JAWS store it has really delicious food there in the restaurant. I ate pizza with mushrooms, cheese and shrimp. It tastes really good and I drank Sprite.
Next we went to watch Water World it was AMAZING! I like the stunts, it was so breathtaking! There were skies, boats and more things! I didn’t understand it because it is in Japanese but more or less I can understand what this is all about.
Then we went to watch Backdraft. I didn’t understand it because it is also in Japanese but it was soooooooo AWESOME! In the end there was fire everywhere and I felt as though everything was falling apart and the pipes and structures on top of us almost fell on us but it didn’t it was really amazing and fake I think when you go to Universal Studios in Japan I think you should watch that because it is AMAZING!
After watching Backdraft we went to eat and drink something. I ate Spaggetti with cream sauce and mushrooms and I drank orange juice with ice. Then we bought popcorn and then we went around Universal Studios and I bought something from the souvenir shop for my self and my cousins. I bought Key chains, necklaces and earrings for my self. I had a lot of fun in Universal Studios and after buying something in the souvenir shop I went back to my hotel and we ate dinner in Genji. Genji is a very good Japanese restaurant! I ate Beef Katsu with steam rice and Miso Soup and I drank Ice Lemon and in the end I ate Vanilla Ice cream for dessert. Then after that we went around Hilton Plaza and window shopped again and went back to our hotel room.
Then we all took some rest and got ready for bed and played together talked to each other and watched T.V together and joked around together. Today was a really good day I love it today I had a lot of fun. Merry Christmas and Happy new Year.
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