Monday, May 31, 2010
Advertising Video
This is going to be about Maya's favorite ad. The purpose of this ad is to stop people from smoking and what happens to you. The target audience for this ad is for smokers who are mostly young adults and also adults. It's effective because the video teaches people how smoking is really bad for you and your health and it can even kill you. And the video is very funny and the song is very catchy too.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Any questions VS. You can lie
Monday, May 24, 2010
The Giver Journal Entry
Friday, May 21, 2010
7 Elements of Advertizing
Special Effects= The special effects of this picture is the dog is like one of those Russian Dolls to show what the dog looks like inside.
Lighting and Color= The background color of this picture is very soft and light because it shows how cute a Chihuahua is in the outside.
Beauty and Social Standing= The Chihuahua is sitting down in a very cute way in this picture. And it shows how chihuahuas look like in the outside. (You can see he is brave in the inside from the picture.)
Layout and Graphics= This picture doesn't really have an layout and graphics but in the bottom right hand corner you can see it's logo where this ad is from.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Teenage Girls
This type of clothing is very popular these days. Girls this year wear skirts jeans and leggings because they think it's cool. And I also think it's nice and it's never boring to see girls wearing these types of clothes. So go out there and wear or buy jeans or skirts or leggings in the mall!
Monday, May 10, 2010
The Giver By: Lois Lowry
Sunday, April 18, 2010
We watched Psyche in class on Friday. We were watching it because we need to know what a real mystery story is like because we are going to make one.
So these are the steps of a mystery that i found in Psyche episode 1:
Clues: The clues were when Shaun and his friend Gus were going to the cabin of the kidnapped guy and his friend they found the kidnapped guy's dog because the dog was kidnapped with him so they know that they must be in there.
Evidence: The evidence were when Shaun and Gus broke in the cabin there wee 2 dead people. One was the Kidnapper (friend) and one was the kidnapped person.
Suspects: The suspects were 2 people in the story one was the kidnapped person's sister which Shaun thought she was but she isn't and the other one is the kidnapper's dad.
Villain: The villain is the kidnapper's dad because he killer 2 people in the cabin.
Detectives: The detectives are Shaun and Gus.
Alabies: The alabies is when Shaun and Gus went to see the kidnapper's dad they know it's him so they told him what happened and asked some questions but that gut made excuses and lies and told them to get out of the house.
Crime: First the crime was kidnapping but then it's actually a murder.
Suprise Ending: The suprise ending was that in the end the kidnapper's dad said the truth and I think he got put in jail.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Mystery Pictures
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Monk (Voodoo's Curse)
I am studying about Mystery novels and stories and in class so we watched a Monk episode. The episode is called Voodoo's Curse. This is what the story is like.
There is a kid playing baseball he hit that ball and it hit an old woman and she died. The old woman lives alone so when her family came to her house they found an Voodoo doll on her table. The family went to a detective and told them about the crime. The detective people tried to find out about the crime. Then soon someone else got killed it went in the newspaper it says Golfer got struck by lightning and that person who got struck by lightning also have an Voodoo doll. Mr. Monk tried to find some clues and to solve this case. There is a third crime someone died because of an heart attack that person also got an Voodoo doll and his niece Angelene talked to Mr. Monk about the crime of her uncle and what happened and she said that his uncle died because he's an heart patient and ate medicine and died. When Mr. Monk went home from work he saw his assistant Natalie crying when Mr. Monk asked Natalie why is she crying she said she got an Voodoo doll and Mr. Monk tried to solve this case because already 3 people got an Voodoo doll and all 3 of them died but not Natalie yet. Mr. Monk and all the detective people went into this shop that sells Voodoo dolls and that person does sell it. Natalie got scared that she is going to die and one day Mr. Monk invited the person who sells Voodoo dolls to Natalie's house to cure her. The man made some potions to cure Natalie but Natalie just drank the potion when it's not done. She started to not feel well so they called 911 and the paramedic is Angelene and Mr. Monk and the guy who sells voodoo dolls followed Natalie to the hospital. But suddenly Mr. Monk discovered that Angelene is the bad person because in all the crimes Angelene is the paramedic and in the ambulence Angelene was about to kill Natalie but Mr. Monk saved her so finally Angelene went to jail.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
The Phone Goes DEAD
David got a new phone from his dad. He was really happy because in school everyone has a phone even some people never make any calls they just think it's cool. But one day an old man named Eric called him and said that can you tell my wife the ring is under the fridge but David doesn't know that person. The man told David his address and to tell his wife the message. When David went to that address and told Eric's wife that the ring is under the fridge the wife cried. David apologized to her and she said it's okay and she told David that Eric died and when he died she tried to find his ring but she could not find it maybe it rolled down under the fridge she thought. Soon David received some calls from strangers telling him to tell someone a message.
I can't tell you anymore about this story you have to read it yourself!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Plastiki
The picture that is shown above is the AWESOME PLASTIKI! the boat is made out of recycled plastic bottles but not all of the parts of the boat is made out of plastic bottles only the bottom part. Their goal is to sail the Plastiki from San Francisco to Sydney, Australia an 11 thousand mile journey don't you think it's cool?
David de Rothschild came up with the idea of the Plastiki and it took him 3 years to build this amazing boat Plastiki. It took him 3 years to build it because first he has to sketch the model of the Plastiki then he built it. He said that we should start using waste as resource. The Plastiki is actually made out of 12,500 plastic bottles that is a lot! In the Plastiki there is a quite big cabin in there and also they put a small vegetable garden which is cool.
David de Rothschild built the Plastiki because he wanted to make it out of waste like he said using waste as resource.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
The 10 Vocabulary words
Cynical: A Cynical is like a bad attitude like worst then whining and complaining all the time.
Provisions: Provisions are like supplies but it means your meal so it means food.
Subvert: Subvert means like making something not work. For example like your family wants to go camping but you don't and you make an excuse and it turned out that you and your family did not go.
Accumulate: It means to get more items like going shopping or even putting more items in your bag that means accumulate.
Congregate: It means that we will all meet together like a meeting.
Ominous: It means that something is giving you a signal something bad is going to happen.
Contradict: It really means disagreeing and talking back to that person.
Adversary: It's like you going against someone like an enemy.
Flabbergast: It's like a feeling when you you think like I can't believe it like you are watching this magic show and the magician does something and you say I can't believe it.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
The 10 Facts About The History Of Haiti
2. I think that why is Haiti like this today because it is a very poor country it used to be rich but because some of the rich people took their money and that is why they become poor.
5. There was a revolution and a leader by the name Dessalines who ruled Haiti from 1801. Mr. Dessalines did not rule the country well. He was a dictator people became very poor since then agricultural land destroyed and people became poorer and uneducated.
6. Did you know that before Haiti became the French colony it was a Spanish colony and the French defeated Spanish. Right now the population of Haiti is around 9,000,000 people. Haitians are mostly Christians.
7. Dessalines declared Independence in 1804 of Saint Domingue under the native name Haiti.
8. Dessalines killed a lot of French people who remained in that Island and made himself as an emperor as Jaques I.
9. Hatians became disstaisfied with Dessalines's rule and there was a revolt against him. He beacame tired and sick and could not rule the country anymore.
10. Dessalines died in the year of 1806. After his death Henri Christophe became king and calls himself King Henry I.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
The Reptile Room
Monday, January 18, 2010
Aid Coming to Haiti (Part 2)

Many countries around the world are giving aids to Haiti on Sunday. A lot of people are found alive in the Haiti earthquake but they have to be sent to the hospital to be taken care of. Some doctors from around the world came to Haiti to help the Haiti people for surgery and other medications. The doctors worked very hard because a lot of people are injured badly and more than 100 people were operated. The doctors worked very fast otherwise the wounded people might die if they get infected because of the bacterias and germs.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Haiti Earthquake

On the 12 of January 2010 is a really sad day do you know why? because of the Haiti earthquake. A lot of people got injured in the earthquake and it is estimated that more than 100 thousand of them died during that earthquake.They have bad and big wounds and cuts. Buildings fell on the people and a lot of people crushed and the body parts are everywhere on the streets. That is how big the earthquake is in Haiti 7.0 magnitude.
Monday, January 11, 2010
My Relatives and I
Monday, January 4, 2010
My Singapore Trip
Day 4 Singapore Back to Jakarta
Today we are going back to Jakarta. Today morning after I woke up I packed all my gifts that I bought and also items like my bag, water bottle etc. Then I took a bath after that I went straight away for breakfast in the 31st floor lounge and at my breakfast there. I ate Bread with butter and sugar and I ate one piece of chicken sausage and I ate “Kokoa Krunch” cereal for breakfast and my mom and I got ready to go to “Takashimaya” mall.
I bought a laptop bag from there I really like it is blue. Then I also bought a “Bambi” bookmark from there too. If you don’t know who is “Bambi” he is a Disney Character and he is a deer. Then we went back to our hotel and watched T.V and I watched news and I also ate lunch too. I ate “Nasi Lemak” it tastes very good I enjoyed it very much!
I chatted with my family and then went down stairs because the taxi driver is already downstairs. And we went to “Changi” airport and I looked at some stores I went to the chocolate place and bought some chocolate. Then I went to the lounge upstairs and ate something like “Green chicken curry” with rice and Cornflakes like “Kokoa Krunch.”
Then my mom and I and also grandma went downstairs again and we went to look for a shoe store called “Charles and Kieth” that is an awesome shoe store I love it. And we can’t find it because it got moved to Terminal 3. So we looked at the chocolate store again because my grandma bought something from there and she bought me gummies. And I went to a book store called “Times” and looked at camera cases. And then we went to Gate F41 it was very far. And then we went on the plane the ride was short it was one hour and twenty five minutes.
Then we reached Jakarta. When I went out I met my dad he picked us up today. When I reached home I played with my dogs and went inside and talked with my family and told them what I bought. Then I got ready for bed and went upstairs and watched T.V with my grandma and grandpa. And then I slept.
I really can’t wait until tomorrow because tomorrow is New Years Eve! I really can’t wait for tomorrow!
My Singapore Trip
Day 3 Singapore Going Shopping
Today right after breakfast I went to the doctor quickly. When we reached there my brother was already in the lobby he went to the doctor to check his foot again and today I don’t think it hurts because the doctor already did a treatment for him today that is why. Then we we
nt to our hotel again and went back to our room I watched T.V I watched “Casper The Friendly Ghost” I like that cartoon because I love Casper. Then My mom and I and also grandma we went to “Teka Market” there is a place in “Teka Market” called “Jothi” it’s a place where people go shopping but it is not a shopping mall it is like an Indian market because a lot of Indian people like to go shopping there and Indian people work there too. I bought a lot of skirts there I bought a blue skirt, black and brown flowers skirt, one red pants and Indian bangles and that is all I bought from “Teka Market.”
We went back to our hotel after shopping in “Jothi.” We dropped all our shopping bags in our room and got ready again and this time we went shopping in “Paragon” I love that shopping mall. I went to the shoe store and bought a pair of sandals. I like that sandal I bought a Red and White color that sandal is called “Fit Flop” It is very comfortable to wear there are a lot of different colors there is Blue, Red, Black, Brown, White and Gold that is all the colors that I remember that I saw in the shoe store.
After buying that shoe we went down to the basement and bought a sirkaya Toast and milk tea. Then we went to another mall called “Takashimaya” I like that mall too. I bought a hair band from there I bought a red hair band that has red stones on it I bought that color because I like red. Then I went to a nail store called “The Nail Place” I wanted a French manicure and worker did it for me I liked it she did it very neat and cool. Then I also told her to put g glitter on the white nail polish on the tip of my nail.
Then in “Ngee Ann City” there is a sports store there called “Stadium.” I bought two

“Jansport” bags from there one black and the other one blue. I also bought an “Nike” water bottle from there it is blue and I really liked it. Then we went to a store there called “Bossini” it is a clothes shop they have good clothes I only bought a grey and a red shirt from there. Then we were hungry so we went to “Takashimaya” and ate there I ate rice with red chicken potatoes and tofu. Then I went back to my hotel and was chatting with my grandpa and also showed him what I just bought then I took a bath and went to the 31st floor lounge. I drank milk from there and ate scallop and potatoes. Then my mom and I went out again to go shopping we went to “Stadium” again to get GST. And we went to “Bossini” again and bought clothes again for myself, I bought red and black and white tangtop. And I also bought a grey shirt for my cousin.
Then I bought “Yakitori” with rice and chicken balls and I also bought yogurt and we went back to our hotel and on the way to our hotel we bought ice-cream and when we reached our room we ate a little bit and I watched T.V and I got ready for bed and slept.
My Singapore Trip

Singapore Day 2 Watching in Yishun Cinema
Today was a great day. After breakfast I watched a movie from HBO called “The Chronicles of Spiderwhick” I love that movie it is really good. Then went to the doctor because my brother needs to check his foot because his foot hurts when he walks. After we visited the doctor we went to eat in a restaurant called ”The Banana Leaf” it is a really good restaurant I think when you go to Singapore you should eat in “The Banana Leaf” it is really good.
After eating lunch there we went straight away to “Mustafa Shopping Centre” I love that place there are so much to buy there! When I went there today I didn’t really buy anything there I only bought Tamil songs and nail polish I bought Pink, Purple, Blue, Yellow and Green.
Then we went back to our hotel. When we reached the hotel I went to the 31st floor lounge to eat something. I felt hungry because I didn’t really eat anything in “The Banana Leaf” because at that time I wasn’t really hungry that’s why. There in the 31st floor lounge they have really tasty food there I ate 2 small breads and 1 cookie that’s all.
Then I went back to my room and we went to “Yishun Golden Village Cinema” I watched an Indian Tamil movie called “Vettakaren” I liked that movie it is funny I like it. After watching that movie we went straight back to our hotel because it is already 8 o’clock pm Singapore time. When we reached the hotel we ate dinner I ate Chicken Hainan Rice it is very good! Then I got ready for bed and slept.
My Singapore Trip

Day 1 Singapore
Today I reached Singapore at 5 o’clock in the evening. The plane ride from Osaka to Singapore was long it was six hours and thirty-five minutes it was a long plane ride. When I reached Singapore I went to our hotel we stayed in The Meritus Mandarin hotel. We waited for our room to be ready so we went up to the 31st floor to drink something or even eat something they have really good food there in the 31st floor lounge I ate shrimp and scallop and I drank orange juice.
When our room was ready I watched T.V and I don’t know what the movie is called but it is funny. Then I took a bath and I went to Takashimaya mall with my mom to buy dinner. Takashimaya mall is very close to our hotel. I bought "Yakitori" food for myself I bought Chicken balls also for my grandma. And we also went to the supermarket to buy milk and bread and we also bought cornflakes.
Then we went back to our hotel. We ate diner straight away when we got to our room and after eating dinner, I watched a little bit of Spider-Man the ending part and I like Spider-Man movies. Do you like watching Spider-Man? After Watching Spider-Man I got ready for bed and watched some more T.V with my mom and grandma and I slept after that because I feel a little bit tired today.
Today is a great day I enjoy this day.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
My Osaka Trip
Day 4 Osaka Shopping and packing 27/12/09
This morning while eating breakfast I watched a dog competition show it was very cool and it was very interesting to watch. Then I took my bath and ate break fast after that and next we went to Daimaru mall the mall that I went yesterday.
My grandpa and I went window shopping for a while there while my mom and grandma went shopping in the bags section. They have really nice bags and shoes and jewelry too. Then after a while my grandpa and I decided to go back to our hotel and take a rest for a while because we felt a little bit tired today. When we reached our hotel we went up to our room to take our rest but the cleaners are there to clean our room so we went down to the hotel lobby again because we thought that we would disturb the cleaners. So me and grandpa waited down stairs in the lobby for about half an hour and we got back up to our room again.
When we got back in our room we ate lunch I ate Chicken Katsu again because I love it so much! It tastes so good! After eating lunch I watched CNN news and than my mom and grandma came back home from Daimaru mall. Than me and my mom went to Hilton Plaza and went upstairs and there is this nail shop called “Naila” it looks very cute and cool and also very pretty looking designs! I wanted to use that kind of design on my nail and let them do that but they sad “Sorry this day we are full.” So I didn’t do it and tomorrow I am leaving to Singapore so I can’t do it so I went back to our room.
When I got to my room I took some rest and I also watched T.V with my mom and my grandma then I slept. When I woke up it was about five thirty Osaka time. Then I got ready to go and have dinner with my family in the 35th floor in the Sky Lounge. When we got up there we decided we should eat downstairs in the 2nd floor in the Checkers restaurant. We went down because the 35th floor sky lounge turned out to be snacks and it is a bar that is why we went down. It has really good food I ate Spaggetti with tomato sauce and parmessan cheese. Then after eating dinner we went upstairs back to our room and we were packing a little bit because we are leaving to Singapore tomorrow morning.
Then I got ready for bed and watched T.V and joked with my family and talked to each other.
Tomorrow is going to be an exciting day because I can’t wait to go to Singapore.
My Osaka Trip

Day 3 Osaka shopping in Hanshin and Daimaru
Today is a great day. After breakfast we went to a shopping mall called Hanshin. There in Hanshin they have really good gifts. They have good watches, bags, shoes, handkerchief, food and some more good gifts. I havn’t really bought anything much from there, only I bought a really cute bear it is not an ordinary bear but it is a Bear Speaker. I bought a brown bear speaker you can hear your i pod songs it that speaker your i touch songs and also songs from your own phone it is WONDERFUL! So I bought it.
After that my mom and I and grandma and grandpa and my brother we all went to Daimaru. Daimaru is also a shopping mall it also has lots and lots of cute and cool things there. We looked around Daimaru and we went to this store that sells really cute and pretty dresses. I bought this grey shirt it looks very pretty so I bought it. Then my mom and I and also grandma went upstairs to the 14th floor to have lunch. We ate in this Japanese restaurant I don’t know what it is called but it is a really good restaurant. I ate Fried Chicken with steam rice and Miso Soup the food is really good and I love it. Then we all went down stairs to the first floor to go shopping again I saw a really cute furry hair tie. I bought two because it is really cute and furry I bought one grey and light brown color and the other one is really dark brown. Then we went upstairs and went window shopping and I saw really pretty shoes and really pretty bags. They sell really cute and pretty gifts in Daimaru I think you should go there if you go to Osaka Japan.
After shopping in Daimaru we went back to go shopping in Hanshin. We went upstairs and wanted to see what they sell there. We saw really pretty bags and really pretty shoes everything is so pretty there. Then we went downstairs we looked at the food and what they sell downstairs. When I went down stairs I bought jelly because I just love Japanese jelly so much. And my grandma and my mom bought some milk and some fruits for all of us in the hotel. Then we all went back to our hotel and when I reached the hotel I watched Batman The Dark Knight. I enjoyed that movie it was great. Then when it was dinnertime and we ate dinner in our room while watching Batman The Dark Knight. I ate Chicken Katsu with rice because I ordered it before and I loved it so much so I ordered it again.
After dinner I packed to get ready to go to Singapore and we might leave tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. And after that I got ready for bed and we talked together watched T.V together and joked around together.
Today is a great day it was really fun today shopping I hope you have a great day too.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
My Osaka Trip

Day 2 Osaka Universal Studios
25/12/ 09
Today was a terrific day! Do you know why? Because it is Christmas and we went to Universal Studios Japan! I enjoyed playing there. When we reached there we bought tickets and the first activity we saw was Shrek 4-D movie. It was really fun watching it I love it and it is the first 4-D movie I have watched in my whole life! I didn’t understand anything because it is in Japanese. I like it because you get sprayed with water when the donkey sneezes and the chairs move when the dragon flies or when Shrek and the Donkey rides the horse.
After we watched that, we all agreed to go to JAWS. JAWS was scary to ride but it was also fun to ride. When we got n the boat everything seems to be fine. But when you go to the middle of the lake something happens. There is a Great White Shark following the boat. And it swims next to the boat and opens it’s mouth and tries to eat you. And the person who drives the boat shoots the shark and we all are saved! After riding that boat we ate in this restaurant next to the JAWS store it has really delicious food there in the restaurant. I ate pizza with mushrooms, cheese and shrimp. It tastes really good and I drank Sprite.
Next we went to watch Water World it was AMAZING! I like the stunts, it was so breathtaking! There were skies, boats and more things! I didn’t understand it because it is in Japanese but more or less I can understand what this is all about.
Then we went to watch Backdraft. I didn’t understand it because it is also in Japanese but it was soooooooo AWESOME! In the end there was fire everywhere and I felt as though everything was falling apart and the pipes and structures on top of us almost fell on us but it didn’t it was really amazing and fake I think when you go to Universal Studios in Japan I think you should watch that because it is AMAZING!
After watching Backdraft we went to eat and drink something. I ate Spaggetti with cream sauce and mushrooms and I drank orange juice with ice. Then we bought popcorn and then we went around Universal Studios and I bought something from the souvenir shop for my self and my cousins. I bought Key chains, necklaces and earrings for my self. I had a lot of fun in Universal Studios and after buying something in the souvenir shop I went back to my hotel and we ate dinner in Genji. Genji is a very good Japanese restaurant! I ate Beef Katsu with steam rice and Miso Soup and I drank Ice Lemon and in the end I ate Vanilla Ice cream for dessert. Then after that we went around Hilton Plaza and window shopped again and went back to our hotel room.
Then we all took some rest and got ready for bed and played together talked to each other and watched T.V together and joked around together. Today was a really good day I love it today I had a lot of fun. Merry Christmas and Happy new Year.
My Osaka Trip

Day 1 Osaka 24/12/09 Thursday
Today morning I got ready to go to Osaka. After breakfast we went down to the hotel lobby and we went to Tokyo Station to go by train to Osaka. The train that we are riding is called Sinkansen train. It looks very cool! Sinkansen train is a bullet train. It is one of the fastest train in the world, that is why it is called a bullet train.
The train ride was long and it takes two and half an hour to reach Osaka but I had fun in the train ride. On the way to Osaka I saw snow in the road and also on the mountains. I was very happy to see that because it was the first time I have ever seen real snow. When we reached Shin-Osaka train station we went down and got picked up by the van driver from our hotel. When we reached our hotel, we waited for a few minutes to get our rooms. After that we ate in a restaurant called Checkers. It has really good food I ate Spaggetti with tomato sauce, mushrooms and cheese on top it was very delicious!
After that we went to the mall next to our hotel which is called Hilton Plaza, and it is a good shopping mall. We only went window shopping we didn’t buy anything because we only want to know what the place looks like.
Then we went back to our room and took some rest and unpacked a little bit. Then I drank hot chocolate while watching BBC World News. I really enjoyed watching that. After unpacking, we all felt hungry and we ordered food from down stairs, I ordered Chicken Katsu with rice.
When the food came to my room it came with French fries too. The food was AWESOME!!!! I LOVE the CHICKEN!!! The food was very delicious, I love it and my mom loves it too.
After eating dinner we all took some more rest. We watched T.V together and joked around and got ready for bed.
Today was such a great day! I can’t believe that tomorrow is Christmas.
My Tokyo Trip
Day 5 in Tokyo shopping
Hi today is an awesome day. I had so much fun shopping!
Today morning after breakfast I took a little rest and watched T.V and after that we went to Ikspiari again. My mom and grandma went shopping in some stores and after that we went shopping in the same store as yesterday the Disney store. I don’t know why but I just love that store so much! I bought some more gifts like pencils, key chains, 3D stickers and more gifts. It was so much fun shopping in Ikspiari!
Right after that my mom and I and grandma bought some lunch in Ikspiari we bought crispy chicken and ate it there also. Then we bought three tickets to go back to our hotel by train.
When we reached our hotel we took some rest and we were planning to go shopping again and we also at the same time wanted to see the city of Tokyo because we are leaving tomorrow to Osaka I really can’t wait to leave!

When we got ready to leave we went down to the hotel lobby and waited for the van to come. First we went to Matsuzakaya mall and went shopping and we looked for some gifts. I didn’t really buy anything much except a pink handkerchief that has white snowflakes on it I think it’s cute.
Then after we went shopping in Matsuzakaya we walked and went to another big department store called Mitsukoshi. On the way there we saw the city of Tokyo it was beautiful it almost looked like New York City.
I didn’t buy anything in Mitsukoshi but they have beautiful bags and shoes the shoes are very pretty and colorful. Then we went back to Matsuzakaya mall on the way there we saw the LeSportac bag store we stopped there and looked at the bags and we walked again. Then we stopped again and this time we went to Adidas store they have really good shoes and jackets there.
When we reached the Matsuzakaya mall we looked at some gifts and we went back to our hotel. When we got back to our hotel we went to a market there and my grandma bought something from there. But after that me and my mom went to this store in our hotel called Disney Fantasy. It was a great store I bought a Key Chain from there it is so cute. Then my mom and I went to a Chinese Restaurant called Dynasty. We have to wait, while waiting my mom and I went upstairs to go buy bread in the hotel lobby and went to the mini market to buy some milk for tomorrow and we dropped the bread and milk in our room.
When we went back to the restaurant we ate dinner I ate Tofu, Prawn Mayonise and Mango pudding it was DELICIOUS!
After that we all went back to our room and took some rest and we packed too. Today was a really awesome day! Because it was fun!
My Tokyo Trip

Day 4 Kannon Temple
Today morning after breakfast we went to Ipskiari. Ipskiari is a shopping place close to Tokyo Disneyland. I went to this shop called Disney Store. It has Disney gifts I bought a lot of cute and cool things from there. I bought some gifts for my phone like a Minnie Mouse phone holder that has black and red gemstones on it and I bought something for my I pod an Stitch ear phone and something for my phone again 3D cute stickers.
After shopping in Ipskiari we went back to our hotel and took lunch and got ready to go to the Asakusa Kannon Temple to pray. Asakusa Kannon Temple is a really old Japanese Temple. And that Temple is really cool and it is very crowded. We also bought something from the Asakusa Kannon Temple like I bought a paper ball and I also bought a red bag.

After going to the Asakusa Kannon Temple we went back to our hotel it was a long car ride from the Asakusa Kannon Temple to my hotel it was about one hour because of the heavy traffic. But it was fun in the car talking and seeing the City of Tokyo. It was beautiful.
When we reached our hotel my mom and I and grandma went to buy bread for breakfast and my brother and Grandpa went to the room to take some rest.
When me and my grandma went up we took some rest and ordered dinner. And after that we ate our dinner. After eating our dinner, we took some rest and discuss about the event of the day which was great fun and we joked around and played together.
My Tokyo Trip

Day 3 Tokyo Disney Land and Sea
Today is a good day. We went to Tokyo Disney Sea park and Tokyo Disney Land park. First we went to Tokyo Disney Sea park then we went to Tokyo Disney Land park so this is how it goes.
The first activity that we did in Tokyo Disney Sea was "Venice Gondola" it was WONDERFUL! It looks exactly like Venice and it was also very fun to ride on it. When we rode on the boat the place looks beautiful and the ride was very fun!
After we rode on the "Venice Gondola" we don’t know what to do and where to go next because we don’t have the map with us so we took a rest and we went to the "Turtle Talk." We waited in line for the Turtle Talk but we asked someone in line what language it is in and that person said it is in Japanese we don’t understand Japanese so we got out of line. We walked around Tokyo Disney Sea park and we rode on this car that goes around Disney Sea park for 10 minutes.
After that ride we don’t know where to go next and which activity so we thought that we should go to Tokyo Disney Land because we like that better than Tokyo Disney Sea so we went to Tokyo Disney Land.
When we reached Tokyo Disney Land we went to Snow White’s Adventures. That was very fun and scary. It’s like you go in and you see the whole story happening in front of you. The very scary part is when in the end when the wicked witch is above you talking the cart stops and that place is very dark and scary. When I was waiting in line I saw some kids were crying in the end.
Right after that me and my brother and mom went to "Pinocchio’s Daring Journey." That was like Snow White’s Adventure but this was fun Snow White was fun too but it is scary. This was fun to see.
After that we wanted to go to the Haunted Mansion. And the line was very very long and my brother said that this Haunted Mansion is very scary. So I thought that we should go and this line is very long and it is going to be very scary so we left.
But we didn’t leave Tokyo Disney Land we went shopping in Tokyo Disney Land. I bought some gifts for my friends and my cousins back in Jakarta. I also Bought something for my self.
After that we all decided we should go home and take some rests for today. When we reached our hotel we took a rest for half an hour and we went to the same restaurant as yesterday the restaurant is called "Dynasty." I enjoyed yesterday’s food I’m sure I’ll enjoy today’s.
My Tokyo Trip

Day 2 Tokyo
Today was an really exciting day do you know why? Because the whole day we spent time in Disneyland!
In the morning when I woke up we had breakfast and we went to Disneyland. When we reached in Disneyland our first thing to play is watching a 3D movie It’s a good movie the movie is called Honey I shrunk the kid I think.
Next we ate in a restaurant it was an awesome restaurant it’s like you are really in that story I think like we are in Queen of Heart’s house. I ate Heart shaped meat patty there it is very good I love it.
Then right after we eat we went to go to this boat ride. In the middle of the boat ride we saw mooses, crocodiles and some American Indian people but all of them are robots I think but it is amazing.
After that we all wanted to go on this amazing ride it’s called Peter Pan I think. We waited in line for about 45 minutes and it’s very crowded. I liked the part when we went really high with the boat and went down very fast down. Some of the parts are very scary because the place is very dark and you can’t see anything and suddenly something appears in front of you.
Right after that we went on another boat ride but indoor and dolls everywhere singing Christmas songs. The ride is called "It’s a small world." I enjoyed the ride and it’s fun seeing dolls sing Christmas songs in different languages.
After all the rides we went shopping in Disneyland in the gift shops I bought a lot of hair ties, key chains and I also bought a pin. I also bought some cute things for my friends and cousins back in Jakarta.
Then we all went back to our hotel to take some rest and then we are going to go eat in a Chinese restaurant later for dinner the restaurant is called "Dynasty" I can’t wait to at there because I am hungry now.
I really can’t wait for tomorrow because we are going to Disney sea park I really can’t wait.
My Tokyo Trip
Day 1 Tokyo
Today is a very wonderful day do you know why? Because the 19 of December 2009 morning I reached Tokyo, Japan. I can’t bealive it the first time I’ve been to Tokyo. When we reached in Tokyo we got picked up by someone who works in the hotel. When my family and I reached the hotel we went to have breakfast the food was really good I enjoyed eating breakfast there in the Tokyo Hilton Bay hotel.
After we finished our food we bought tickets for Tokyo Disneyland and we also bought tickets for Tokyo Disney Sea Park for tomorrow and we are going to get picked up by the Tokyo Disney Land bus at 8:00am right after breakfast.

We went to Maihama station after we bought our Disney land tickets. We went shopping in “Ikspiari.” We also ate Japanese food it was really good the restaurant’s name is Katsugen I love the food there it tastes soooooo good!!! I think you should eat there when you to “Ikspiari”.
Then we all went back to our hotel and we took our rest and begin this journey again tomorrow.