This picture shown on the right is the Indonesian earthquake. This happened on the 2nd of September 2009. Indonesia got the earthquake because it is in the Ring of Fire and the Ring of Fire goes around Australia, Indonesia, Japan and California.
There are not going to be any Landslides in Indonesia because Indonesia is a flat counrty and there would be land slides in there would be alot of mountains there.
I was in the earthquake. I was in school I went down the stairs and I felt really dizzy and I went downstairs and everybody was running out to the field and my mom told me that it was an earthquake and I got suprised. When I went in the car I saw a school and everybody was outside. But animals know what was going to happen like there was this snake at school and it went into a hole and I think that snake knows what was going to happen to that day.The Earthquake was 7,3 scala richter and that was a really big earthquake, 45 people died in Tasikmalaya and Cianjur, west Java and in Jakarta 6 people went to the hospital and got hospitalized.
And when there was an earthquake alot of buildings got damadged. And mostly people died in a earthquake because of buildings falling on them and they die from it. and when the earthquake was happening some buildings were wiggling and they get damaged and some stuff fall on people and they die from that. And from the tall buildings that humans made and when there was an earthqake they fall and kill some people. So ust be carefull.